

At this meeting, Mrs. Wiwin asked us to present the results of our discussion regarding SDG's Goals. meanwhile, the other groups were asked to pay attention and make conclusions about what was discussed in the presentation. I learned many interesting things from my friends' presentations. Especially regarding the world of education in Indonesia. This aspect of education really covers a lot of things. Starting from equality in education, types of education, and much more.  One of the groups in the class discussed quality education. It is known that quality education is one of 17 Global Goals that make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Education is at the root of this SDG. Specific objectives include providing more opportunities for technical and vocational training to youth and adults so they can get better jobs. Education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. Quality education specifically enta


In this lesson, I learned several things. Mrs. Wiwin asked us to form a discussion group and discuss a number of things. Starting from poverty, education, equality, to climate issues. Coincidentally, my group got a part to discuss poverty issues. I work with three other friends, namely Rofa, Nikita, and also Rafa. Actually, I'm quite often in the same discussion group with them in this English class, but it's still fun. We share ideas and opinions on this poverty problem, especially what is happening in Indonesia. We also divide tasks so that work can be completed more quickly, the division of tasks is based on the points that we will discuss. And from the results of our discussions, we obtained several conclusions which are outlined in the following infographic form. First, we discussed the meaning of poverty. and it is known that poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter. However, poverty is more, much more than just not

My Goal My Ambition💃

New Year, New Hope, New Journey!😻 As the new year begins, we feel that we need to make changes in our life, start on a new path, do new things, and say goodbye to old habits, problems, and difficulties.  I wish for this year that this year will bring  wishes come true, dreams realized, and many other things. In 2023, of course I have many targets that I must achieve. But the most important thing is that I have to be able to enter the medical faculty at Padjadjaran University💫. It is my biggest dream and I hope I can make it come true🎉. I know to achieve this is not an easy thing, but it takes a very big struggle. Everyone knows that the medical faculty is one of the faculties that is in great demand by many people from all over Indonesia, including the medical faculty at Padjadjaran University🔬. I have to study harder and more seriously to face various tests that can send me to medical school💯. Besides that I also want to start a better and healthier life compared to the previous

News Items👬👭

🗞News Items🗞 On August 22, 2022, our English teacher, Mrs. Wiwin, gave us all our assignments to form a group of 4 people and search for one story from the internet and identify the structure of the news. I think this is a fun form of learning😉. Where we have to be together in a group to do the assignments given by the teacher. So it's not just being silent and listening to the teacher, but also learning to discuss and exchange opinions with friends✨. At that time, Mrs. Wiwin asked us to write down the news we were looking for, complete with its structure, on cardboard. After that we stuck the cardboard on the wall so that friends from other groups could see and judge it. At that time I was in a group with Jelita, Khairul, and Rizmi👏. We are looking for news that is short so that it does not take up much time. Until finally we found a news entitled "Indigo Flight Suffers False Cargo Smoke Warning Before Landing At Kolkata Airport". After that we start to write the new

My Dream🔮

💥Dreams💥 Dreams are things we want to achieve in our life. Everyone must have a dream and definitely different. Generally, it takes us a long time to reach the dreams we have. So dreams can be considered long-term desires or goals. Dreams give us the spirit and strength to achieve our goals💪. As I said before, everyone has a dream. Likewise with me. I have many dreams that I have to achieve. One of my biggest dreams is to make the people around me happy😊, especially my parents. Not only that, becoming a good doctor💉 and useful for the people around me is also one of my big dreams. I know that to achieve this is not an easy thing, I have to go through various obstacles and surely it takes a very long time. Therefore, I have to prepare everything from now on. To become a doctor, I have to go to college majoring in medicine. I have several plans to enter a university with a good medical faculty in Indonesia. And I know that to enter and be accepted as a student at the university is v

Me, My Self, and I 🦋

Hi everyone! It's me, Ratu. My full name is Ratu Alifia Mutiara Kusumah. But, I know it's too long if you call me with my name. So, you can just call me Ratu. I'm 17 years old and I'm a student of 3 Bandung Senior High School. I started this blog because of my teacher's assignments💪. I will post my activities at school, especially when learning English💥.  But, before that we have to get to know each other first. So, I'll tell you a little bit about myself. As you know before, my name is Ratu.  I am 17 years old and this year will be 18 years old 🎂💗 on the 9th of June.  I am the first child of three siblings, I have two younger sisters and it's very fun for me😆. I live somewhere in Bandung. Just a warm little home for my family. But it's a nice place to live, with my own room and space for spending a lot of time there. Actually I'm a quiet person when meeting new people, but believe me everything will change when we know each other well😅.  I lik